Thursday, 27 March 2014

Becoming a RES Agent in Singapore

With the establishment of mega cities everywhere on the globe, we truly live and breathe real estate. Money and property is on everybody’s lips! It is quite true that the world is almost equally divided between the haves and the have-nots. Even the have-nots have to exist in some sort of physical infrastructure like in a refugee camp that belongs to the government or in labor camps and slums.
Careers in real estate are most challenging. The comprehension of the magnitude of real estate is mind boggling in all its profundity.  Becoming an RES or Real Estate Salesperson involves sustained knowledge gathering of different aspects of law governing real estate. The problem of ethical practice is far more important in segments like real estate that involve greater illegality. Land disputes occur in every world region and many major wars were actually land disputes originally. The building of character and intellect are the twin mighty goals of education. Inculcation of values may often be inborn or the impact of the family. Yet educational infrastructure and the growing environment do play mighty roles. In the present Singapore economic situation, real estate prices have boomed skywards and there is no stopping the maddening rush to acquire real estate with the hope that property prices would

Real Estate in Singapore
Real Estate Salespersons assume greater importance in a concentrated prime real estate market that is modern Singapore. The city has reached the highest standards of income and living, among the highest in the world and leading in Asia. escalate further and bring in the proverbial millions.

Study for RES Aspirants
In this charged scenario, the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct assumes vast significance and could generate inspiration and dynamism among aspirants. What can be greater than dedication to the country, the government and the people? The RES Course is challenging enough with the development of personal skills like communication to cope up with business conferences and promote sales. The art of business discussions equipped with the right information and technical knowhow could push the salespersons’ careers forward.

Text book knowledge is important too, beginning with the basic concepts of real estate. The aspirant
Res Course
requires thorough understanding of the real estate industry and the complexities. The knowledge of the past invigorates our perception of the present especially on such a volatile subject.  The government laws that regulate real estate agencies and their practice would be of primary concern. Laws that govern real estate transactions are challenging enough too. Marketing and Customer Service are among the other important modules.

The Best RES Course in Singapore
The Best RES Course in Singapore would be expected to groom professionals with the winning qualities besides the valuable information of laws governing real estate practice. The Council of Estate Agencies stipulates the passing of CEA’s Real Estate Salesperson Examination or other equivalent qualification. The course teaches the sale and lease transactions that pertain to commercial, residential and industrial properties in Singapore besides the laws governing them.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Safety Is Important For RES Agents Too! Here Are Some Safety Tips

course in real estate
How many of you look up for tips to become successful RES agent in Singapore? Surely, there would be several hands up by those who are working hard as RES agents. You might be looking up tactics & tricks to get hold of the client, tips on how to serve the client with satisfaction, or how to handle real estate transactions. But have you ever thought of safety? In past 5 years, there have been several cases, where RES agents get involved into critical situations. There have been cases of rapes, murders, and even robbery. So, have you thought, if you ever get into any such situation, then how would you handle that?

Give a quick look to certain tips by CEA approved RES course provider, which would be helpful to you during your career:

Not neglecting the verification aspect: Whenever you get the information from any customer, make a habit that you verify that. Every smallest information (be it regarding phone numbers, address, or other personal details) should be verified by you. You obviously do not have to show records on this, but still, for your personal safety, this is important.

Be careful when meeting new accounts:
When approaching a new client, there might be lot of things that goes in your mind. Along with working upon
Res Course
how to add him into account and deliver him good services, you must also be cautious about your safety. Be cautious and sense if anything fishy or unusual happens at the client’s site.

In such cases, make sure that:
During initial meets, if possible call the client at your office. And when he comes, then do note down the vehicle details like car number, license plate number, etc.
In case, you are going out with a client (whom you do not know much), then avoid traveling in his vehicle.
Also, when you go out for site inspection, it is better to inform your colleague or atleast leave an itinerary about your property visits at your desk.  

In your course in real estate, you would have no doubt read about several case studies, But it is also important that you stay updated about such situations as well and make a step ahead in your career carefully. 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

The Study of Real Estate in Singapore

real estate course
From the start of this world, business and property studies have played their role. It has occurred in different aspects and departments of life. Nowadays, as the use of this type of science has increased quite significantly, there are different courses and different study programs have been started to facilitate and give information to the people related to this topic. Real Estate Course is that type of course in which students or people are introduced to the best planning guides, different rents relating to different lands, the characteristics of different lands, different interests related to some land, natural resources specific to that land, different buildings and different property possessed by people.

Real Estate Courses
There are different types of courses which are imbedded in this real estate category it could be about business, it could be about economics, management, it could be about different properties etc. The real estate course refers to studies in which students or people are informed about how to plan according to a particular land and about getting information about that land as well as different resources which reside within that land. It also surrounds people’s interest related to the land, their invest in the land, different rents regarded to every building situated on the land. It conveys the different rules concerning whether foreign people can buy any land in any country and how much it will cost him/her to buy a land in any country. It also involves the leadership ability of a person to develop in tough situations."

RES Singapore
RES also refers to those people who have information related to the real estate study. These people are quite
RES Courses Singapore
good in different property dealings, they are good in buying and selling procedures, they know different rents relating to any property. Mostly, when people choose to buy any property or want to take a ready made house/house, the right people who can give exact information related to any task compared to property are those who know all about the industry from such courses. RES includes many other types as well, like business, management and many more studies. RES Singapore is all about Singapore. What are the different rates of properties in Singapore, how to invest money in buying property, different shares, investors who invest their money on different lands, the different rents of homes and houses, business related to any specific land, the resources bounded to the land, different facilities given to specific land, they are all included in RES Singapore studies.

Salesmen usually deal with different people who try to invest or buy or are either interested in any sort of land business. RES Courses Singapore usually provides this study or science to the people of Singapore. There are many institutes or universities who give information about real estate. Singapore is paying careful attention to this type of science or study. They want their people to have complete information related to their country.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

What are the features of the CEA approved RES course

 CEA approved RES course
Are you looking for a good career in the real estate industry? Do you think you have all the qualifications in you that are required to become a good salesperson? Do you have a flair for sales? Do you love interacting with new people every day? Be a RES Singapore and enjoy all these facilities along with a sound monthly income. How to get this process started? You need to find a course provider first. The provider needs to be authentic and you need to complete the course without fail. You cannot attend the classes on the first few days, be absent for the rest of the sessions and still appear for the exams. Unlike the other courses, the license course real estate is different. It is designed in such a way that the candidates taking up the course benefit from the whole process. It is not just another course that is designed to loot your money. The course helps you in building a strong career in the real estate trade.

Rules related to the course

The government has framed certain rules related to the real estate course in the country. Anybody who is trying to start his or her job as a salesman in the real estate market should complete the RES course from an approved provider. Now, how to choose an approved provider? Well, the course provider should be approved by the Council for Estate Agencies. You can ask for the proofs to the officials at the institute that will help you to verify the same. You can also check with the CEA to get a list of approved institutes in the country. If you happen to choose a provider that is not approved by the council, you will end up wasting your time and money. Hence, be careful with your selection of the course provider.

Rules related to the exam

RES SingaporeYou will be allowed to write the exam only after you finish the course with a CEA approved RES course provider. The institute needs to submit documents to prove that you had attended their training sessions. You will not be able to attend the exam even if you are well versed with the portions mentioned in the syllabus without the help of an approved course provider. The exam consists of two papers. The first one is on basic real estate concept and law. This paper consists of three units and you need to score 75% in order to pass. The second paper is on real estate salespersons practice and regulations. This paper consists of topics related to the laws related to real estate dealings. This paper covers four units and you need to score 75% in order to pass.

When you successfully complete the course and pass the exam, you will be able to work with a real estate agency and earn good amounts as monthly income.